Climate Variability and its Impacts on Sugarcane Agriculture in the Eastern Amazon
Description: CNPQ OFFICIAL NOTICE 014/2013 - Studies on the impacts of climate change on agriculture are essential for Brazil, as agribusiness is one of the main activities that contribute to the country's economy. As well as the increased need for energy use, and the consumption of food and fibers, generate a priority, which is the efficient use of natural resources, meaning that agriculture is an important part of the production chain, therefore, this being totally dependent on environmental conditions, especially climate and soil, these factors effectively control agricultural productivity. (SAGRI, 2012, PEREIRA, 2007). Therefore, climatic variability must be well evaluated before implementing an agricultural activity in a given region, identifying areas with high production potential. Therefore, the challenge of this research is the systematization of data to assist in the development and implementation of political, strategic actions and measures related to the management of climate risks and reduction of losses for the farmers of the Eastern Amazon to the Temporary Culture of sugar cane.
Evaluation of water sustainability according to land use and occupation models in the Eastern Amazon
Description: This research project was approved by the MCTI / CNPQ / Universal 14/2014 notice. The northeastern region of the state of Pará, has regional importance in composing part of the estuary-mouth of the Amazon basin, representing about 9.6% of the state territory, and containing important water bodies, of significant social and economic relevance: the river basins Guamá-Capim and Acará-Moju (which flow into the bay system - Baia do Guajará - Component of the Amazon estuary); the Gurupí river basin (which is born in Maranhense territory); and the basins of the Atlantic rivers (which flow into the Atlantic Ocean). In general, it comprises different environments: fluvial, estuarine and marine; with great diversity of ecosystems. For bringing together a natural potential, the oldest history of colonization and an intense dynamic of use and occupation; sets up a key region in the state of Pará in terms of pressure on water resources.
Study of some meteorological elements in the municipality of Belém, in areas with different characteristics
Description: The activity of monitoring the urban climate is very important, since a large part of the population lives in these areas and are exposed to the rigors of variations in atmospheric conditions. The present research proposal aims to continue the measurement of some meteorological elements in the municipality of Belém, with the use of three automatic meteorological stations, which perform measurements of air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and rainfall. In the course of the research it is intended to involve the students of the meteorology course to participate in the maintenance and data collection processes with the automatic meteorological stations, contributing to their academic formation and the increase of knowledge of the urban climate in a city in the region tropical.
Hydroenvironmental Studies and Models in Amazonian watersheds
Description: Employ analytical techniques (operational research, mathematical models, geoprocessing and remote sensing) in the analysis of the processes that occur in Amazonian watersheds and that condition their behavior. Perform the assessment and prognosis of hydrometeorological variables, with the indication of actions to mitigate the adverse effects of variability and extreme events, as well as the impacts generated by the actions developed in the territory of these basins.
Water quality indicators applied to charging for the use of water resources in river basins in the state of Pará
Description: General objective to define water quality indicators that support the construction of the formulation of charges for the use of water resources appropriate to a proposal for the revitalization of river basins. Evaluate the hydrochemical, water quality and land use and occupation characteristics in the Moju / PA river basin. Specific objectives: Perform the hydrochemical characterization of the surface waters of the area, with the description and evaluation of the physical-chemical parameters that condition the water quality. Identify the main factors that condition the physical-chemical composition of the waters, based on the different forms of land use and coverage. Classify waters, according to the current legislation regarding the classification of bodies of water in classes, according to their predominant uses. Define priorities applied to a proposal for the revitalization of river basins. Propose a formulation and charging for the use of water resources appropriate to the profile of existing activities and the demands for revitalization.
Land use changes and their interactions with forest degradation processes in the Amazon
Description: Official Notice MCTI / CNPq / FNDCT. Transversal Action – No. 68/2013. Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Program in the Amazon. LBA.