Interaction indicators

The Professional Master's Risk and Natural Disaster Management in the Amazon Graduate Program aims to train professionals with a multi and interdisciplinary profile, defining the objectives, areas of concentration with respective lines of action and research projects, curriculum structure and expected profile of the graduate linked to his professional activities. The target audience more specifically covers the following segments:

• Professionals working in the public service in sectors linked to civil defense - state departments, municipal departments and agencies.

• Private sector professionals with actions associated with civil defense.

• Professionals with private practice in related areas.


Professional Internship

PPGGRD / UFPA has in its curriculum the mandatory activity called "Professional Internship" with a total workload of 45 hours, for all students. The objective of this activity is to enable the performance of students in operational routines developed in several partner institutions such as: a) National Center for Monitoring and Alerting of Natural Disasters - CEMADEN; b) State and Municipal Civil Defense Coordinations; c) Civil Defense Research and Development Centers; d) Meteorology, Hydrology, Remote Sensing Operational Institutions; e) Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, as well as, in other organizations dedicated to actions of Defense and Civil Protection Federias, State, municipal or private. The activities taught will be prepared by specialists and developed jointly with the operational teams of these Institutions and the coordinator of the Internship at PPGGRD / UFPA. Part of the students of the class of 2018 completed a professional internship at CEMADEN in São José dos Campos / SP where the students performed the following activities:

1) Reception and presentation of teachers and students and their work at PPGGRD, and then presentation on the geodynamic monitoring project and its modeling (Dr. Regina Alvalá, Director of Institutional Exchanges at CEMADEN and Professor Edson Rocha, Coordinator of PPGGRD / UFPA); 2) Seminar on Geotechnical Monitoring and Geodynamic Modeling (Dr. Rodolfo Mendes); 3) Visit to CEMADEN's Operating Room in SJC (Dr. Giovanni Dolife); 4) Protocols and Methodologies for Sending Alerts Daniel Cândido and José Felipe visit the CEMADEN operating room; 5) Seminar on “Sending alerts, Observational network and database, radar monitoring, integrated modeling; 6) CEMADEN Research Lines, education project, hydrological monitoring, floods and droughts in the Amazon - Projeto Acre; 7) Semi-arid project, monitoring the impact of drought in the semiarid, monitored municipalities, monitoring Cantareira and HPP Três Marias, Climatic extremes and; 8) Fire risks, GIDES project, vulnerability, rain gauge in communities. These activities were completed in two weeks with full time, satisfying the internship hours required by the program. Students who were unable to go to CEMADEN, fulfilled their respective internship hours in Institutions that work with activities associated with monitoring and preventing natural disasters in Belém.


Interaction with quilombola communities

In partnership with the Regional Office of the United Nations Fund for Children and Adolescents (UNICEF) and the Instituto Saber Ser Amazônia Ribeirinha (ISSAR), the Program, through a research project, proposes to investigate economic, social situations, demographic, ecological and health of quilombola populations. The objective is to subsidize the construction of processes and alternatives that improve the quality of life of these communities. The survey has been carried out in eight communities in the municipality of Cametá, State of Pará: Mola, Itapocu, Bonfim, Frade, Laguinho, Tachizal, Tomásia and Tabatinga, totaling about 200 families.